Saturday, March 14, 2009

Social Media

Interaction in a digital environment is more than just a modern fad. It is making the world a smaller place, bridging language barriers, and based in personal interest. For digital immigrants, this is an advanced version of communication, and it appears to be gaining popularity. For digital natives, this plays a major role in their daily communication. There are many positive aspects to healthy social media interaction including:
  1. self exploration of topics according to interest
  2. communicate in a variety of mediums
  3. connect with people who share similar interests
With anything good, comes the bad, too. Parents are often out-of-touch with the technology or content exposure. Social media demands parents and educators to address media literacy beginning at a young age. Another concern is the lack of physical exertion due to the volume of time spent “plugged in”. Again, parents need to encourage healthy lifestyle choices, and emphasize the importance of making good choices, and if necessary buy a wii fitness, and make it a family event. Lastly, time spent online needs to be monitored. Moderation and time management skills are essential topics for discussion.

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