Saturday, February 28, 2009


A wiki is a website that is in a state of constant change because anyone in the world can edit it. Among its many uses, wikis can be used to share personal knowledge, to gain information, or collaboration with others. Wikis can also be a good source of information for slang or new words that have not been published in dictionaries. There is potential to using wikis in the educational setting including:
  1. Increased student collaboration
  2. Parental involvement and communication
  3. A learning environment extending outside classroom
  4. Centralized location for information
Because any one can update, edit, and change a wiki page, it is important to discuss validity and personal responsibility when using wikis with students. Furthermore, students need to be notified that wikis are not the only type of web page open to editing; anyone who has a computer can create a web site containing false information. The Internet (not just wikis) exemplifies the concept of, “Let the reader be aware!”

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